Employee profile form

    What training(s) have you done? Courses etc may also be added.

    What languages do you speak?

    Do you have experience with a cargo bike or other means of transportation?

    We would like to learn more about you. Who are you? What are your hobbies? What do you do in your free time?

    What are characteristics that make you who you are.

    Why do you want to become a nanny at 24Nannies?

    Do you work? Do you have studying days

    For each age group, describe the experience you have.

    For example: Sports lessons you taught, courses, scouting, organizing children's parties, etc.

    If so, what kind of experience?

    How much experience do you have with babies this age, and what babysitting duties have you performed? Have you changed diapers, given the bottle, done bath time, put to bed?

    How much experience do you have with babies this age, and what babysitting duties have you performed? Have you changed diapers, given the bottle, done bath time, put to bed?

    What experiences have you had babysitting babies

    We would like to receive a phone number + email address of a babysitting family that we can call for reference. This information will be kept confidential.

    We would like to receive a phone number + email address of a babysitting family that we can call for reference. This information will be kept confidential.

    We would like to receive a phone number + email address of a babysitting family that we can call for reference. This information will be kept confidential.

    Please provide other references below if they can confirm your experience.

    Are there any allergies or particularities we can take into account when matching you to a family?

    In doing so, we create a broader picture of you as a nanny

    Are you active on social media? If so, which ones?

    For example, through friends, or found on Google

    Hulp nodig?